Getting Grant Ready
A Free Online Resource to Unlock Funding from EJUSA
Struggling to secure funding is a common challenge for grassroots community leaders. When it comes to grants, Black and Brown-led organizations have historically received less funding. Getting Grant Ready is an online resource that empowers organizations to craft compelling grant proposals aligned with their missions and secure the funding needed to sustain their programs.
Who Is Getting Grant Ready for?
Getting Grant Ready is tailored for emerging grassroots organizations, aspiring grant writers in community-led, violence prevention movements, and midsize organizations seeking diverse funding opportunities. While the resource can be accessed by anyone in the movement, we’ve included specific sections designed for Black and Brown-led organizations who disproportionately lack access to grant funding.What Getting Grant Ready Solves:
- Helps grassroots organizations assess if a grant opportunity fits their needs
- Builds capacity for organizations to effectively apply for and potentially secure grants
- Provides guidance to enhance grant proposals to be clear, concise, and mission-aligned
- Demystifies the grant writing process, making it more accessible to grassroots organizations
EJUSA has supported grassroots organizations across the nation, witnessing how the grant writing process is regularly out of reach for organizations that serve under-resourced communities. Getting Grant Ready equips these organizations to compete effectively for grants so that they can continue their critical work. This program takes years of one-on-one grant support that we have provided and puts it all in one resource.