Welcome! The PA Peace Alliance is a new resource supported by the PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency to help groups working to address violence in their communities.

Your one-stop-shop for all of your training and technical assistance (TTA) needs.
From connecting with others across the state to discussing lessons learned to requesting a
self-care training for frontline workers—it’s all right here!
The PA Peace Alliance members have a ton of knowledge and expertise, but often have limited opportunities to connect with each other. Here, you’ll find information, ask questions, and share information with all of the amazing member organizations. Beyond the Commonwealth,
members have access to subject matter experts, violence prevention and intervention professionals, and organizations throughout the country.
From news on evidence-based and promising practices, webinars on using data to tell your story, and links to the latest funding announcements, the Learning Portal provides the resources you need to further your work and build a one-of-a-kind statewide community of practice.
Whether it’s capacity-building for your organization, creating new partnerships, or scaling new projects, here you’ll find opportunities for peer learning, cross-site collaboration, and support, as well as research and tools to help grow, expand, and innovate your work.