Community of Practice
Communities of practice are voluntary groups of people who, sharing a common concern or a passion, come together to explore these concerns and ideas to share and grow their practice. The PA Peace Alliance, co-created by all of you, provides a space for Pennsylvania’s violence prevention and intervention professionals, from frontline workers to program administrators, to come together and share ideas, recommendations and support.
Exchange of Information and Knowledge
Our Community of Practice (CoP) allows members to communicate with each other, subject matter experts, and violence prevention professionals throughout the country to share information and knowledge. This centralized place for communication allows individuals to interact and share insights and best practices while fostering expertise and rapid problem-solving within the CoP.
Peer Learning
Peer learning is grounded in recognizing the benefit of the knowledge and expertise of the community. Peer learning opportunities may include cross-site visits (for members receiving intensive TTA), network panels and workshops at annual meetings, and Peer Learning Groups that meet monthly. These groups are developed by CoP members based on areas of need and interest. We are co-creating vibrant learning communities for professional development, problem-solving, and support.
Innovate and Increase Knowledge
The CoP allows members to share experiences, create new ideas, and increase knowledge. These valuable interactions generate learning pathways and develop new concepts and innovations to advance the individual mission of each member organization as well as the overall CoP.