Impact of Mass Shootings on Youth
12:00pm EST
The Joyce Foundation recently launched a new series of webinars focused on firearms research commissioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In 2019, Congress resumed funding firearms research through the CDC, and now the first of those funded projects are starting to produce new and important findings for the field. The first two webinars in this series focused on the impact of firearm violence on youth in cities and rural areas, respectively.
The third webinar in the series will focus on the Impact of Mass Shootings on Youth and will feature:
Alexandria French
Director, Research & Evaluation
Sandy Hook Promise
Dr. Elyse Thulin
Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention
University of Michigan
Kirsty Weitzel
Research Data Scientist
RTI International
Firearms have become the leading cause of death for US children and teens, and disproportionately impact people of color. The impact of gun violence extends far beyond immediate deaths and injuries, with childhood exposure contributing to mental health challenges, and increasing the risk of adult involvement in gun violence.
In this webinar, the panelists will discuss new findings that explore the psychological impact of mass shootings on youth and the impact of anonymous reporting systems on school gun violence prevention.
Note: This webinar is part of a Joyce Foundation series focused on firearms research commissioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The research and analysis presented during this webinar reflect the views of the presenting researchers and not necessarily of the Joyce Foundation or the CDC.